The Eco Corner
Welcome to the Eco Corner

Welcome to the Eco Corner, a part of our website in which we will be shining a light on our environment and showing you all the things we are doing in the school to make the world a better place. We are committed to promoting environment issues and raising awareness, across the community, of ways we can protect our world for future generations to enjoy. There are many ways in which we can all do our bit to improve the health of the planet - it starts with us.
At school we are working hard to recycle, conserve water and save energy and will use this corner of our website to share with you some of the work we are doing, both at home and in school to support current Eco issues.
We will be continuing to raise awareness of these issues via the website, in our newsletters and via social media, so that everyone in our community can take a more active role in helping to save our planet. We hope you'll keep checking in to see what we are up and and we hope that you will find inspiration and motivation to get you doing even more, in your home, to make a positive difference.