Curriculum Intent
Through our teaching of Geography, we aim to:
- Develop the children’s Geographical knowledge, skills and understanding through enquiry-based learning and outcomes.
- Increase their knowledge and understanding of the changing world in which they live and how physical and human Geography interact.
- Increase their knowledge locally, nationally and internationally enabling them to identify key counties, countries, oceans etc.
- Stimulate pupils' interest in and curiosity about their surroundings.
- Encourage our pupils to ask questions and propose solutions to environmental problems in their immediate and wider environments, thereby fostering a sense of responsibility for the Earth and its resources.
Details on specific topics each year group will study can be found in the progression map for Geography. Within Early Years, the curriculum is broken down into 4 main strands, which align with the Early Learning Goals. These are: Past and Present (Understanding), Understanding the World (Communities and People) (The World) and (Technology).
Throughout Key Stage One and Two, the curriculum is further broken down into the following strands:
- Locational Knowledge
- Place Knowledge
- Physical Geography
- Human Geography
- Using and Interpreting
- Skills Content
- Using and Interpreting continued
- Position and Orientation
- Drawing
- Symbols
- Perspective and Scale
- Digital Map Making
When Planning Geography we:
- Have clear learning intentions and always explain what we want pupils to know, understand and be able to do through the Geography they are developing.
- Plan collaboratively within the Year Group using a mind map format to decide learning intentions and success criteria, then turn these into medium term plans which detail differentiation, key vocabulary, resources and the lesson sequence.
- Often use key questions to direct pupils' thinking / enquiry, including higher order questioning.
- Use a variety of resources and activities to ensure each pupil can learn effectively.
- Use introductory sections, mini plenaries and full plenaries to ensure students fully understand what they are learning, how they learn, how well they are progressing and where their learning will next lead to.
- Use a range of specialist and appropriate Geographical language to support learning.
- Provide opportunities in order to increase knowledge, skills and understanding of digital mapping.
Teaching and Learning
- Teaching and Learning in Geography will take place through the use of a variety of different pedagogical approaches, resources, experiences and take into account all learning styles.
- Areas and aspects of Geography are set out within the progression map for each year group and are based on locality broadening as the children move through the school.
- The work in Geography is a mixture of class teaching, working cooperatively in groups and individual work.
- Groups are usually of mixed ability and are encouraged to communicate their findings in a variety of ways.
- Fieldwork school visits are a meaningful and integral part of the curriculum for every year group.
- Geographical work is recognised in general displays in classrooms and in the communal areas around the school.
As with all our subject teaching, we do not teach Geography in isolation to other curriculum areas; where possible, we relate the work undertaken to real life situations and we also aim to:
- Improve pupils' skills in English, Maths, Science, History and Computing.
- Develop pupils' thinking skills.
- Promote pupils' awareness and understanding of gender, cultural, spiritual and moral issues.
- Develop pupils as active and responsible citizens within their own and wider communities.