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Cleveland Road Primary School

5 Cs – Commitment, Care, Co-operation, Courtesy, Consideration

Google Services


Cleveland Road Primary School

Staff Remote Access

Foldr @ Cleveland Road Primary


Foldr will allow you to access your school documents from home.  


You are given "live" access to these folders and files so any changes you make to the folders or documents will be made on the file server.


To log into Foldr click the link below


Use your usual login credentials


You will be given access to the following drives

My Documents

Year Groups



Teacher Admin

Pupil Share


OneDrive / Sharepoint


You can link your Office 365 account by clicking the OneDrive icon and typing your credentials. 


Editing Microsoft documents

If you open a Microsoft document (Word/ExcelPowerpoint) and you have linked your Office 365 account it will give you the option to open the document in either Office online or Office on your computer. If you edit these documents and save, the changes will be made on the file server too.


If you download the document to your computer and then edit you will need to upload the edited version using Foldr to see the change at school.  



Right-click a folder you might use regularly, click the bookmark option and it will save the location in "My Bookmarks" making it quicker to get to the folder you want next time.  


Any problems or questions, please contact the school IT technician.

Remote Access for Cleveland Road Staff


Please use your LGFL USO login details to sign in to the Freedom2Roam portal.


If you have any queries, please email the IT technician.


Office 365


To access your emails, create a word document or use any other Microsoft office products.


Please click here:


To log in, you will need your email address which the school provides for you. 

For example, YourUsername@ClevelandRoadPri.UK and the password is the same one you use at work.


If you have any trouble, please contact the IT technician.

Cleveland Road Primary School

Cleveland Road, IlfordIG1 1EW
