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Cleveland Road Primary School

5 Cs – Commitment, Care, Co-operation, Courtesy, Consideration

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Cleveland Road Primary School

Cleveland Choir

Welcome to the Cleveland Road Primary School Choir

Welcome to Cleveland Road Primary School's choir! We have a thriving choral group that has grown exponentially year on year. The children rehearse each Thursday morning at 8.00am, with additional rehearsals when preparing for special performances.


If you would like to be part of our choir, talk to Mrs Bhesania, who can tell you more about what is involved. There is no audition to be a part of this group; our philosophy is that everyone can sing - you just need to find your voice! All we look for is a passion for singing and a commitment to attending every rehearsal and to practising the songs at home.


If you are already a member, don't forget to check the Choir page for the current resources - practice tracks, song lyrics and useful links. Simply click on the link below.



Cleveland Road Primary School

Cleveland Road, IlfordIG1 1EW
