Singing in the Choir
Welcome to the Cleveland Road Primary School Choir! Check in here, regularly, to collect resources and listen to performances of songs we are preparing. If you can't find what you are looking for, ask Mrs Bhesania.
Winter Arts Festival 2020

No Wars Will Stop Us Singing (Performance Track)
No Wars Will Stop Us Singing (Backing Track)
Redbridge Song Festival - Royal Albert Hall 2020

One Voice
Make A Wish
We'll See The Stars
Rocket Science
Lift Off
Little Blue Dot
BBC Proms 2019

CBeebies Prom 2019: Earth
CBeebies Prom 2019: Off To The Moon
CBeebies Prom 2019: Humming Chorus
CBeebies Prom 2019: CBeebies Medley
Cbeebies Prom 2019
Song Lyrics
I Won't Give Up Performance Track
Touch the Sky
A Hundred Years From Now by Chris Wilcox
What will the world be like in 100 years? Let's take a trip into the future with Chris Wilcox's brilliant song, written just for us to sing at the Royal Albert Hall in March 2018.
Deeds Not Words by Chris Wilcox
Are words always enough or do we sometimes have to take a stand and back up our words with actions? Plenty to think about as we learn the second of three songs written by Chris Wilcox for the 2018 Redbridge Song Festival, which will be taking place at the Royal Albert Hall in March.
No Place Like by Kerry Andrew
Taken from this year's BBC Ten Pieces.