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Cleveland Road Primary School

5 Cs – Commitment, Care, Co-operation, Courtesy, Consideration

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Cleveland Road Primary School

Wild Light Theatre Project

Wild Light Theatre Project

Wild Light Theatre Company makes intelligent dance theatre for children, drawing on its experience of professional theatre and primary education. The company's mission is to captivate young audiences; communicate through theatre; and celebrate the creativity, imagination and joy that performance inspires.


The Walk to School Project was designed to increase pupil engagement in the arts and enabled them to co-direct and co-produce a professional theatre production. The children's involvement (their thoughts, ideas, reactions and responses) helped to craft the final performance which moved on to tour around other Redbridge Schools and was performed at the Redbridge Drama Centre.


Click on the links below to find out more about this fantastic project.

Cleveland Road Primary School

Cleveland Road, IlfordIG1 1EW
