Take One Picture 2017-2018
The National Gallery's Take One Picture Project

In autumn 2017, Cleveland Road Primary School took part in the National Gallery’s Take One Picture project for the very first time. Each year, the National Gallery encourages primary school teachers and children to focus on one painting from the collection and respond creatively to its themes and subject matter, historical context, or composition.
Our teaching team have been exploring the focus painting in depth with the children and have developed techniques and ideas for using the painting as a resource for curriculum-based learning.
The Gallery hosts the annual Take One Picture exhibition each summer, to showcase children’s responses to the focus painting. In order to be considered for the exhibition, we have submitted examples of how our school has used the painting to inspire creative learning across the curriculum.
We have been using the criteria to set our guiding principles:
Investigative approach: Pupil-led research
Process: Pupils have the opportunity to learn a new process inspired by the focus painting
Cross-curricular learning: The project must link subjects across the curriculum
Community: Involving the wider community
Focus painting links: All the work submitted must link back to the focus painting.
The project came to a wonderful end with our very first Take One Picture public exhibition of the children’s responses to the painting, Penelope and her Suitors by Pintorrichio.
The painting tells the story of Penelope and is drawn from Homer’s Odyssey which was probably written around the end of the 8th Century BC.
In addition to the submission document (above) which details the process and outcomes of the project, Cleveland is proud to present 4 videos of final pieces. To access these, click on the video portal link in the Artsmark home page.
Click on the link to our Podcasting Channel to see 3 original dance works created by the children of 4A, 4I and 4G, with support from Miss Alexander.
Miss Alexander introduces the works in the Artsmark Playlist.
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Year 6 Time Lapse Video

The National Gallery's stunning Take One Picture exhibition 2018 - Featuring Cleveland Road Primary School!