Lesson Study
Cleveland Road Primary School: A Lesson Study School
Lesson Study plays a key role in our school development process. We are proud to work closely with the Teacher Development Trust as we continue to implement and develop the process of Lesson Study within our school.
At Cleveland, we view Lesson Study as having two clear aims. These are:
1. To enhance staff pedagogical knowledge
2. To enhance children’s learning by gaining a greater understanding of how they learn best
What Is Lesson Study?
Lesson Study is a Japanese model of teacher-led research in which a triad of teachers work together to target an identified area for development in their students’ learning. Using existing evidence, participants collaboratively research, plan, teach and observe a series of lessons, using ongoing discussion, reflection and expert input to track and refine their interventions.
The Japanese Lesson Study model has been advocated in the UK for some time, both by the National College for Teaching and Leadership and its predecessor organisations. The outline of the approach is as follows:
(Image courtesy of http://tdtrust.org/what-is-lesson-study)
Our Lesson Study Findings
We are pleased to be able to publish Research Findings and Evaluations from some of the Lesson Studies we have recently undertaken within our school. These are available in PDF format from this page. By doing so, we hope to support practitioners and children beyond our school.