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Cleveland Road Primary School

5 Cs – Commitment, Care, Co-operation, Courtesy, Consideration

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Cleveland Road Primary School


History is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum. The fundamental knowledge, skills and understanding of the subject are set out in the National Curriculum programmes of study. It is a subject that will be taught each term in conjunction with other curriculum areas. Through an enquiry-based curriculum, children will develop their Historical knowledge and understanding, which will be driven by a progression of skills-based outcomes.


All pupils are entitled to access the History curriculum at a level appropriate to their needs arising from race, gender, ability or disability and all History lesson plans will therefore be differentiated to meet the needs of the children in each class. School visits will be planned for throughout the children’s time at school and, where necessary, will be adapted to meet the individual requirements of identified pupils.


We hope that the information in these pages, alongside the work we continue to share across the site, provides you with an insight into the learning opportunities taking place in our school. We hope that this site provides parents with useful information and support that will aid home learning and encourage families to engage with their child's work in History. 

Cleveland Road Primary School

Cleveland Road, IlfordIG1 1EW
